Alphamin Resources Updates on its TIN exploration activities

Following completion of the Bisie mine expansion, the Company intends to commence with ongoing exploration drilling from Q4 2024. The exploration objectives are to:

  1. Increase the Mpama North and Mpama South resource base and life of mine
  2. Discover the next tin deposit in close proximity to the Bisie mine
  3. Ongoing grassroots exploration in search of remote tin deposits

Initial drilling is planned at Mpama North from an underground exploration drive at level 16 which is 250m below the first mining level and extending 200m beyond the northern extremity of the orebody.

Development of this drive is nearing completion with drilling to commence early Q4 2024. Exploration holes are planned in multiple directions on strike and at depth. Additional underground exploration drives are planned from level 20 beyond the southern end of the Mpama North orebody.

Surface drilling is planned to commence in Q4 2024 at Mpama South and between Mpama North and Mpama South targeting extensions at depth and on strike further south. These initiatives are not only planned to increase life of mine but also to yield valuable information towards discovering additional tin deposits in close proximity.

In addition, an external review of all exploration data to date is expected to guide incremental drilling initiatives from 2025.

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