Sasol clarifies greenhouse gas reduction target of 30% reduction by 2030

Sasol remains committed to a sustainable energy transition and work continues to refine its strategic direction, which includes its greenhouse gas (GHG) emission roadmaps to 2030 and beyond. The group target of a 30% reduction by 2030 remains. However, Sasol is in the process of refining its pathways towards achieving this target to ensure that it remains agile, mitigate potential risks and also respond to new emerging opportunities, given the changing global landscape and energy security needs.

These refinements may introduce shifts in feedstock, energy and products to support its pathway towards being more sustainable. To this end, Sasol is prioritising value creation opportunities to enable a balanced approach across People, Planet and Profit considerations. More information on its approach is outlined in its 2024 Integrated

Report, which is available on its website ( While media reports have suggested a possible revision of its emission reduction target to a range, it is important to note that this is only an example of an approach addressing the complexity of its transition. Further detailed work is currently underway and an update will be shared at its Capital Markets Day in 2025.

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