Merafe increases ferrochrome production by 0.3%

Merafe Resources has reported that weaker commodity prices and increasing costs made for a challenging year for Merafe. Earnings slumped by 62% to R667 million, after the full impairment of the Boshoek smelter of R575 million. Ferrochrome prices were impacted by surplus supply as a result of new Chinese production capacity.


  • 9% decrease in revenue to R8 443 million (2023: R9 244 million)
  • 29% decrease in headline earnings
  • 62% decrease in basic earnings
  • 7% decrease in net asset value to R4 876 million (2023: R5 259 million)
  • 32% decrease in EBITDA(1) to R1 731 million (2023: R2 545 million)
  • 5% decrease in net cash from operating activities to R1 777 million (2023: R1 879 million)
  • 8% increase in cash to R1 795 million (2023: R1 656 million)
  • 1 fatality (2023: 2 fatalities)
  • 0.3% increase in ferrochrome production to 301kt (2023: 300kt)
  • 1% increase in chrome ore sales volumes to 475kt (2023: 470kt)
  • 106% increase in PGMs sales volumes 13 557oz (2023: 6 588oz)
  • 2% increase in ferrochrome production cost per tonne (2023: 28% increase)

(1) Earnings before interest, taxation, depreciation and amortisation.

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