New electric smelting furnaces can decarbonize iron and steel value chain

The metallurgical industry faces robust environmental targets, significant investment challenges to implement transformational technologies, and global competition that drives tight margins. To thrive in this rapidly evolving landscape, industry leaders must understand and align themselves with market transitions and leverage the best technologies to stay ahead. 

With mounting pressure to decarbonize, a shift is occurring. World-wide metal producers are seeking greener pathways and recognizing the need for specialized expertise in technology design, process scale-up, and low-emission green production technologies.

The pledge from metallurgical corporations to decarbonize has accelerated the advancement of electric furnace technologies and alternative production flowsheets that can take advantage of renewable energy.

Electric smelting furnaces (CRISP and CRISP+ furnaces) are now being adopted by the steel industry. When combined with direct reduced ironmaking technologies, the CRISP and CRISP+ smelting furnaces can decarbonize the iron and steel value chain by replacing fossil carbon with low-emission electrical power.

CRISP was developed nearly two decades ago to produce low carbon liquid steel from direct reduced iron (DRI) in one step, replacing carbon-intensive blast furnaces and basic oxygen furnaces. When coupled with the latest DRI technologies, CRISP can replace almost all the carbon to produce liquid steel with hydrogen.

The newer CRISP+ furnace produces carbon containing hot metal that replaces blast furnace hot metal in basic oxygen furnace steelmaking or produces green pig iron for merchant sales.

The transition to green metals isn’t just about adapting new technologies; it’s a comprehensive transformation across the entire value chain. From initial concept design and implementation to asset management post start-up, our EPCM approach plays a pivotal role. Digital project delivery streamlines its design and planning phases, ensuring efficient resource allocation and waste reduction, especially for multi-billion-dollar investments.

With the metals industries face transformational change, project development requires a holistic approach that considers the entire value chain from feed to the final product portfolio.  The heart of green metal lies in electric furnaces powered by renewable energy sources.

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