DRI Smelting Furnace for decarbonization of the ironmaking

Metso Outotec is launching the innovative DRI (direct reduced iron) Smelting Furnace to substitute blast furnaces used in iron and steel making. The DRI Smelting Furnace is one of Metso Outotec’s key solutions for decarbonization of the iron and steel industry, which currently produces about 8% of the global carbon dioxide emissions.

“The DRI Smelting Furnace is a true breakthrough technology. It will help the iron and steel industry to reach their CO2 emission reduction targets and limit global warming. The new high-capacity 6-in-line DRI Smelting Furnace is focused on environmentally efficient technologies,” says Jyrki Makkonen, Vice President, Smelting at Metso Outotec.

Outotec equipment. The Furnace and related products are complete and ready for implementation. Customer-specific pilot-scale testing will be conducted in the Metso Outotec research facilities to demonstrate large-scale DRI smelting. DRI smelting technology development continues to further optimize the process for customer-specific feed materials and to complement Metso Outotec’s Planet Positive offering for decarbonization of iron and steel industry.
Metso Outotec’s DRI Smelting Furnace provides the following benefits:

  • Flexible for any DRI feed
  • High productivity with capacity above 1.2 million tpa
  • Continuous production of hot metal with high availability and long campaign life​ 
  • Capable of handling large slag volumes
  • Possibility to change slag chemistry to achieve high iron yields and good-quality slag ​
  • Minimal changes to existing steel plant 
  • Furnace off-gas can be used as energy or in a carbon capture and storage process 

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