Stellar hits high grades below Heemskirk resource

Tin explorer Stellar Resources has intersected high grade tin mineralisation below the indicated resource at its Tasmanian project, Heemskirk.

At the Queen Hill deposit, a drillhole intersected 23.3 m at 2.20% Sn from 295.7 m, approximately 100 m below the existing indicated resource. Within this intercept, Stellar hit 4.2 m at 3.76% Sn from 303.6 m and 3.9 m at 3.45% Sn from 312.1 m.
This intersection was just south and 95 m below a previous high grade discovery reported in early December 2024. This zone is interpreted as a continuation of the previously discovered zone, although with different alteration.
The drillhole targeted a mineralised zone within the inferred resource that the company aims to convert to indicated material. The intersection was in fact wider than the existing resource model, and the company stated this “should allow for the conversion of mineralisation to the Indicated category and its inclusion in the currently ongoing PFS.”
The PFS is due in the second half of 2025.
Further downhole, the drillhole returned multiple deeper tin zones over several metres, grading 0.75% Sn, 0.81% Sn, and 0.78% Sn. Additionally, a Down Hole Electromagnetic (DHEM) survey indicated the presence of a conductive body along strike.
The company said that mineralisation remains open downdip, and pending the full results of the DHEM, the team will drill deeper to test for further extensions to mineralisation.
Managing Director Simon Taylor commented “It’s very encouraging to see another hole at Queen Hill deliver a wider and higher-grade intersection than the existing resource model”.
Additionally referring to the recent positive ore sorting results, Mr Taylor said the company sees “great opportunities to be able to increase the potential metal production from Heemskirk to well above that outlined in [the] Scoping Study.”
The scoping study outlined production of 3,000 to 3,500 tpa of tin over the first six to ten years of production.
Stellar Resources will be pleased with these strong, high grade drilling results as it works to expand the Indicated resource at Heemskirk. ITA looks forward to seeing further results from Stellar as a part of the ongoing pre-feasibility study.

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